Network Management

Remote Monitoring
This service enables EMF to remotely monitor a client's networks and servers for any key operating-parameter problems. This service allows us to detect problems, often before they become a catastrophe.
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Remote Administration
EMF can perform most server and network system administration tasks from our office, whether the client's system is built on Unix, NetWare, Windows NT Server, or Windows 2000 Server. This service delivers a cost effective solution to hiring a full-time administrator. We can manage user accounts, security, print queues, print servers and directory structures. We can stop or start system processes, manage batch queues, run manual backups, retrieve deleted files, free up disk space, analyze performance problems, deploy software, examine error logs, manage web servers, manage e-mail servers and more.
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On-Site Administration
If you prefer, or if system administration cannot be done remotely, EMF will provide on-site administration services. We have experienced personnel who have worked with just about every type of network, hardware, and operating system. The schedule can be daily, weekly or monthly, based on the client's needs. On-site Systems Administration can be part of a comprehensive long-term support plan, or as an interim solution while recruiting a new administrator, or for coverage during absences such as vacation or training.
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Interim System Administration
EMF will provide a system administrator to companies that have a vacancy in their system administration staff for the short-term or long-term.
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Anti-Spam/Anti-Virus/Content Filter Service
EMF’s Anti-Spam /Anti-Virus / Content Filter service stops spam, viruses and unsavory content from ever reaching your email system, providing you with complete email protection. Save employee time and reduce the risk of legal action from housing questionable images and content in your email system.
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Virus Protection and Detection
Using top-rated anti-virus tools, EMF manages and maintains the integrity of anti-virus protection systems. EMF also provides recommendations about additional measures needed, whether additional software or internal procedures. This service reduces the likelihood that virus protection will be disabled, inadequate, or out-of-date. Unfortunately, there is no absolute guarantee that viruses will never infect system components.
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Virus Removal
In the event there is a virus detected on the system, EMF will perform the necessary tasks to remove the virus from servers and PCs.
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