ISSI & EMF - Nationwide Service

EMF's largest customers are nationwide organizations. We have provided almost our entire portfolio of services to Berean Christian Stores, Savin Corporation, and others for more than ten years.

How does it work?
EMF is a founding member of ISSI (International Service Solutions, Inc), a nationwide network of regional IT services companies. ISSI provides Information Technology services to business and commercial customers -- large and small -- nationwide. ISSI's breadth and depth of capabilities and offerings match any of the large national service providers, but with quality, responsiveness and commitment to customer satisfaction that sets us apart.

Who Is ISSI?
ISSI is an exclusive membership organization, with tight operating procedures and very high membership qualification requirements. ISSI Regional Member Companies are independently-owned service providers. Members work together as a unified team, offering the best of both worlds -- a single point-of-contact with service that only an entrepreneurial regional company can provide.

ISSI is a unique, tightly-woven organization -- big enough to provide totally professional service, yet small enough to provide truly personal service. We support most system environments, hardware products from most major manufacturers, and all major operating system environments.

Benefits of dealing with ISSI:
EMF, as your Regional Account Manager handles the full responsibility for all contracted sites, regardless of their location. A single toll-free number starts immediate response to problems. A single contact can handle IT projects nationwide. In other words, as an EMF client, ISSI will appear as one entity - EMF Inc. Please contact EMF for more information on this service.