EMF Events


Want to enjoy peace of mind and a good night=s sleep?


EMF will host an educational presentation, aimed at non-technical managers and owners, regarding Risk management, Business continuity, and Disaster preparedness. 

The presentation, in partnership with Unitrends, can either be held at EMF's headquarters or onsite at your office. The presentation generally takes about 2 hours.

The Issue:

Every organization risks financial and competitive losses when they experience:

You may be looking to enhance your disaster recovery/business continuity plan to ensure rapid recover from:

Who should attend:

The presentation is designed for CEOs, COOs, CFOs, Executive Directors, vice presidents, operations managers, finance directors and others who are accountable for continuous business operations.  If you are responsible for, or are worried about, your organization=s preparedness to ride through a disaster - large or small - then you should contact us.

What you=ll learn:

EMF looks forward to meeting you and helping you learn

You will understand how other business owners and managers enjoy peace of mind and a good night's sleep.

For more information, or to register via telephone, call Jim Fox at 800-992-3003


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